The more you neglect your bills, the worse the situation gets. If you are in debt and are struggling to make ends meet, you must address the issue right just once. Hopefully, you might have just found the solution to your problems - bankruptcy. Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy will erase partially or fully your debt and you can live debt-free again.
A new beginning is achieved by either the discharge of some obligations or the repayment of debt through bankruptcy. The filing of a petition marks the beginning of bankruptcy. All obligations incurred before the bankruptcy petition are included. The automatic stay stops creditors from pursuing debt collection efforts if a debtor files a bankruptcy case.
However, you should know bankruptcy is not an easy process which is why you need a bankruptcy attorney by your side. Call us at 678-673-2142 today or email us to get your free one-on-one virtual or phone consultation with an experienced lawyer today!
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Credit card debt is a common and serious problem and it often leads to filing for bankruptcy.
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Usually, most Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases in Georgia are closed and discharged within 4 to 6 months
Learn moreThere were more than 23,000 filed Chapter 13 bankruptcies in Georgia by December 2021.
Learn moreFalling behind your mortgage payments due to high inflation, high-cost energy bills, and high interests? If yes, call us.
Learn moreThreats to your assets can come from creditors, medical expenses, and unnecessary taxes.
Learn moreIf you have a lot of debt, bankruptcy should be something you are really considering. Many times, filing for bankruptcy will allow you to keep your home, car, and other personal property while substantially reducing the amount of debt you owe. For many people, it truly can be a miraculous debt remedy.
We frequently have clients whose debts total $10,000, $30,000, or even $100,000 or more and these debts often happen to be entirely eliminated. A chapter 13 bankruptcy is typically a much better choice than a debt consolidation loan, even if you do have to pay back part of your bills. Bankruptcy can stop foreclosure and eviction, it can get you car back as well as it can stop a wage garnishment.
By declaring bankruptcy, you can get some breathing room to organize your finances, stop the threatening phone calls and letters, and lessen your stress at home and at work. One of your most effective legal options is declaring bankruptcy. The Automatic Stay is a legal safeguard that shields you from all creditor activity as soon as we submit your case. And if they try to violate it, we may enforce it with penalties from the bankruptcy court.
Additionally, bankruptcy often indeed helps your credit score rise. Most people's credit scores are already at a low place when they are prepared to file for bankruptcy. Within the first year following the bankruptcy discharge, our customers' credit scores often rise by more than 100 points.
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Phone: 678-673-2136
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