Will my creditors stop harassing me when I file for bankruptcy in Atlanta?

One of the greatest advantages of filing for Atlanta bankruptcy is the power of bankruptcy to stop creditor harassment. From the moment you file, bankruptcy protects you from creditors and bill collectors with a legal action called the automatic stay. Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, creditors are legally required to cease all collection activities once they are notified of your bankruptcy filing, from sending letters to making phone calls to proceeding with foreclosure.

But despite this legal requirement, it’s not uncommon for collection agencies and banks to choose to ignore the automatic stay and continue to contact you. If creditors are hassling you even after your bankruptcy Atlanta GA filing, contact your bankruptcy attorney and give them the name and address of the creditor. Your bankruptcy lawyer will go to court to put a stop to the harassment, and may even be able to seek damages on your behalf.

When you’re struggling to eliminate debt and begin credit repair in Atlanta, the last thing you should have to worry about is dealing with nuisance creditors. You need to focus your energy on getting control of your finances. That’s where a good bankruptcy attorney comes in.

While it’s possible to file bankruptcy on your own, an experienced lawyer knows how to ensure the process goes smoothly and quickly. As soon as you hire an Atlanta bankruptcy law firm, even before your case is filed, you can begin referring creditors to your attorney. Once informed, chances are that they’ll stop bothering you and start communicating through your lawyer.

Imagine being able to get the mail or pick up the phone again without fear of being confronted with your debt troubles. Filing for bankruptcy is the most effective way to put a stop to creditor harassment. If you’re behind on credit card bills, late on mortgage payments or facing repossession of your vehicle and are fending off creditors as a result, you may want to consider filing for an Atlanta Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The type of bankruptcy best for you will depend on your unique financial circumstances, but either plan will get creditors under control.

With the right bankruptcy Atlanta GA plan, freedom from debt – and from harassing creditors – is within your reach.

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