If you have defaulted on your car loan, the lender has the right to repossess it provided he does not “breach the peace.” This can put you in a terrible bind if you rely on your car to get to work or to run errands for your household. Sure, you can keep your car in…
Read MoreLast year, CNN Money reported that the big three banks in the United States – JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo – had made $1.1 billion on overdraft fees in the first three months of that year alone. Obviously, overdraft fees are a big money-maker for the banks, but who is most likely…
Read MoreEvery state has different rules when it comes to bankruptcy. States have their own laws about which property can be kept (exempted) in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceeding. While many states allow you to choose between state and federal rules, Georgia limits its residents to state rules. Georgia’s bankruptcy exemptions apply to property or equity…
Read MoreSome put off filing bankruptcy, or decide against it entirely, just because they are worried about their credit score. While this may be a valid concern in some cases, it normally doesn’t justify dismissing the idea of bankruptcy entirely. The benefits of bankruptcy often outweigh its potential effects on the filer’s credit score. Additionally, rebuilding…
Read MoreFalling behind on your mortgage payments can be an incredibly frightening thing. You may wonder how you will catch up, whether you will be able to keep your home or even if you might end up on the street. From the time you notice yourself falling behind on payments, you should begin to take action….
Read MoreThe most important factor in determining whether you qualify for Chapter 13 bankruptcy is your income. Your income must be somewhat predictable and high enough to make certain payments. Additionally, your debts must be below a certain level. You must be current on your income tax filings and you may not file if you are…
Read MoreHomeowners throughout Georgia are finding themselves in difficult financial situations. If you are in danger of losing your home to foreclosure, you are probably considering every possible choice. Depending on your income, your assets and the amount of equity you have in your home, you have different options. Loan modification may seem like the easy…
Read MoreMany people fear that bankruptcy will make it impossible for them to ever own a home again. This simply isn’t true. First of all, many people who are eligible for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy can keep the home that they are in now. This is what Chapter 13 debt reorganization is designed to do. You…
Read MoreStudent loan debt has swelled to an unmanageable size in the United States and it continues to increase. In 2015, total student loan debt in the US was estimated at nearly $1.2 trillion. Many people in Atlanta and throughout Georgia are having serious difficulty managing their educational loan payments each month. Unfortunately, it is almost…
Read MoreWhile bankruptcy filings have dropped throughout the country in 2015 so far, they remain high in Georgia. In fact, according to The Association of Credit and Collection Professionals, Georgia had the fourth most filings per capita in the first six months of 2015. Across the United States, total bankruptcies in June were down about 6%…
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