Many ads omit the fact that you may have to work many hours without pay. Or they don't disclose all the costs you have to pay. Most work-at-home schemes want you to spend your own money to run newspaper ads; make copies; or buy the envelopes, paper, stamps and other supplies or equipment you need to do the job. They may also make you pay for instructions or tutorial software. People who've answered these ads have lost thousands of dollars, in addition to their time and energy.…
Read MoreAt Debtstoppers, we admire the American can-do spirit. So, if you’re saying, “Yes, I can become debt free,” we’re with you 100 percent. Our attorneys have the knowledge, skill and experience to guide you through Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy in the most efficient and painless way possible. But if your can-do impulse suggests that bankruptcy is a do-it-yourself project, we have to caution that common errors by pro se (DIY) filers lead to expensive, often irreversible, losses. In fact, the courts throw out most pro se filings because the average…
Read MoreEvery part of the country has been affected by the coronavirus. Like restaurants, arenas and other locations where people assemble for business or pleasure, most courts have been closed. If you are in the midst of a bankruptcy proceeding, your case might be delayed, handled telephonically or be otherwise disrupted due to the pandemic. Furthermore,…
Read MoreIn the middle of an election year where healthcare is already a hotly debated issue, the COVID-19 pandemic has stirred further discussion about whether major changes are necessary. During the Democratic presidential primary, the concept of Medicare for All split the candidates. While the candidate who promoted that concept has since dropped out of the…
Read MoreDid you make any New Year's resolutions about getting a handle on your finances, saving more money or finally getting out of debt? Paying off debt is a worthy goal because mounting debt can cause significant stress, which is one of the leading causes of many health conditions. If you'd like to be happier and healthier, then focus on paying down your debt and watch how much better you'll start to feel…
Read MoreThe best defense against foreclosure is to act proactively. In a tough economy, many factors contribute to a homeowner's ability to pay his or her mortgage or other debts. Regardless of the reason, if you fall behind on your payments, keep in regular contact with your lender. Under the terms of the National Mortgage Settlement, lenders must make certain options available to homeowners to stay out of foreclosure…
Read MoreWhen filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Georgia, you must complete a credit counseling and debtor education session. Both are meant to help you plan your budget and put you in the best possible financial situation, but each have specific factors that are important to understand. A list of approved Georgia and Atlanta credit counseling agencies can be found on the U.S. Department of Justice website…
Read MoreOne of the biggest myths about bankruptcy is that it will require you to give up your personal possessions. To the contrary, bankruptcy can often help you hold onto your most significant assets. Take your car, for instance...
Read MoreCredit Counseling, or “How You Can Help the Bank While Hurting Yourself” If you’ve fallen behind in your credit card payments, you have probably heard from your bank, and the representative may have suggested you look into a credit counseling program. The kind bank rep may even have offered to supply a list of credit…
Read MoreLoansharking is an illegal practice where unlicensed lenders extend credit to borrowers at impossibly high interest rates and then use threats and actual violence to collect. A slightly more respectable version of this practice is commonly called a payday loan. These are small consumer loans for short terms at exorbitant interest rates. Payday loans are…
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